29 Aug, 2024

Behind the smokescreen of event conformity

How to

Ditch the myths and focus on the good stuff

When it comes to events, there are so many stigmas, so many dos and don’ts, and so many conventional “rules” that it’s no wonder we at 360 Degrees are constantly giving advice. But myths are for Greeks and Romans, not for events. So we’ve chosen seven weird-and-WTF myths to bust.


Myth 1: Events are for networking and networking only

If you think the events business is only about rubbing elbows, you’re sorely mistaken. Sure, networking is part of it, but when you see this as the sole purpose of your function or gathering, you dilute the fun. What about learning, brand-boosting, lead harvesting, building communities…and isolation-busting?

Myth 2: Good content alone is an attendee magnet

Content is like a lead singer: essential but useless without the band (or, nowadays, a synthesiser). You’ll need to pair your content with a lot more to attract audiences, starting with an understanding of their psyche and extending to sexy marketing, exciting entertainment and – fortunately or unfortunately – that magical X factor.

Myth 3: The more swag an event dishes out, the better

Uh, no. Swag should be the cream on top, not the whole cappuccino. Ask yourself: Is it meaningful? Is it useful? Is it relevant? If you have one “No”, you have an elimination vote. Just because you can afford gold teeth doesn’t make ’em pretty.

Myth 4: Stick to the way/s events have always been done

Booriiiiing. We’ve almost never adhered stringently to the rulebook. In fact, we think the best events are unconventional. (See what we did there?) Unconferences, hackathons and immersive experiences are more interesting, for now. A same-old, same-old approach will give you the equivalent outcome: more of the same(-old).

Myth 5: Events are essentially one-off one-hit-wonders

The real magic can often happen post-event – with ongoing engagement, follow-up content, and community interaction. Your event is can be the spark that ignites into a slow-burning long-term relationship, not a fling that ends before it starts.

Myth 6: Luxury venues always yield better experiences

A swanky venue is fantastic, but only for the first ten minutes. It’s the atmosphere and accessibility that usually steal the show. Choose a spot that complements your event’s vibe after the “wow”. Think comfort and style, with interesting dazzle.

Myth 7: All praise is valuable praise

Here’s the thing: Generic praise feels nice in the moment, but it won’t make the slightest bit of difference to your company or your client’s. Similarly, generic criticism liquidate your reputation. You need relevant, actionable, specific insights – good or bad – from engaged attendees. Think quality over quantity.

Want 360° event advice? Contact us for more.

Eyes on

Hold on to your manbun. The Market Theatre is bringing back Andrew Buckland’s iconic play “The Ugly Noo Noo”, the one-man wonder that has sustained a reputation for sharp satire and explosive performance for 36 years.

Buckland’s infamous encounter with the notorious Parktown Prawn is more than a fable. It’s a masterclass in fear and power dynamics and it has snagged 17 national and international awards over the years, including top honours at Edinburgh.

Its biting humour and relevance make “The Ugly Noo Noo” an absolute must-see. It’s on from 15 August to 1 September, so book now (you know you want to).

By the way

What does “smart casual” even mean?! It’s like the dress code equivalent of “It’s complicated”. Here’s the cheat sheet: Polished, yet chilled. Your best blazer paired with jeans and nice shoes or a chic dress with stylish flats (no, put away the cap, the slops and the T shirts). The vibe is “sharp without trying too hard” or “I didn’t wake up like this, but I didn’t take the full two-to-four hours to get ready either”.


Yoga pants don’t count, regardless of how good your bum looks in them.

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